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Evolution/ESEB 2018 conference - abstract deadline: Jan 15


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite abstract submission for our symposium on New approaches to phylogenomics (S31) at the joint Evolution 2018 and ESEB conference 19th-22nd August 2018 in Montpellier, France.

Please submit your abstracts at by the deadline on the 15th January 2018.

The invited speakers are Andrew Roger (Dalhousie University, Canada) and Tanja Stadler (ETH Zurich, Switzerland).

Symposium abstract: Genomes maintain a chronicle of their own history, from short scale evolution (e.g. cancer and within-host viral evolution) to the last common ancestor of all extant life. For some organisms, such as most microbial lineages, it is practically the sole source of evolutionary information available. For others, the interdependence between genome evolutionary patterns and life history traits (phenotype, ecology, epigenetic; ) documented using other techniques remains largely obscure. Recent methodological developments in comparative genomics allow for gene tree / species tree reconciliation and the identification of horizontal gene transfer, for estimating the age, polymorphism and gene repertoire of ancestral populations, for tracing back the history of migrations, population splits and admixtures, and for reconstructing mutational and selective pressures. Understanding the link of these patterns to life history traits, population dynamics and evolutionary success remains a major question and methodological challenge. This symposium is dedicated to new methodological developments in integrating genomic data with other sources of information, from fossils, to phenotypic, epidemiological, epigenetic and geographical data.

Looking forward seeing you in Montpellier!

Organisers: Vincent Daubin, Laura Eme, Carolin Kosiol, Nicola De Maio